Tshwane North TVET College Their Online Application 2025
1. Visit College website www.tnc.edu.za click application for new student.
2. Application documentation required (certified not older than 3 months):
Latest results with school stamp and letter head ID copy of prospecting student of ID’ s of other dependents living in the same house
Proof of address
3. Foreign students documentation: (certified not be older than 3 months)
Copy of passport
SAQA approved foreign qualification
Valid study permit
4. NSFAS Bursary documentation (certified not older than 3 months):
Copies of parents’/guardians’ ID’s Copies of ID’s of other dependents living in the same house (e.g. brothers, sisters)
Copies of your latest results
Proof of address with contact details of next of kin or responsible persons
Proof of parents’/guardians’ income
5. You will also be assisted with the online application for an NSFAS bursary during your session, as NO academic application will be considered without proof of application for an NSFAS bursary
6.. Once you have applied, a selection committee will view your application and academic records. If you meet the requirements, your status message will reflect as “The application has been accepted for further processing
7. Please take note that no final approvals will be done during the APPLICATION process. Application acceptance is subjected to the final selection process. You are only a registered student once you have received a proof of registration stated your qualification and subjects enrolled.
Tshwane North TVET College Admission General Information