Tshwane South TVET College Admission Requirement

Tshwane South TVET College Admission Requirement

Passed Grade 12 (National Senior Certificate)
Appropriate National certificate N3
Equivalent qualification on Level 4
A student who wants to enrol for Management Assistant, must take
Introductory Information Processing N4 if he/she does not have
Computyping/Computer Application Technology Grade 12. In order to obtain his/her N6 Diploma, he/she must pass
Information Processing N6.
A student, who wants to enrol for Financial Management, must take
Introductory Accounting N4 if he/she does not have Accounting Grade 12. In
order to obtain his/her N6 certificate, he/she must Financial Accounting N6
Passed N4 with 4 subjects on the same level
Passed N4 with 3 subject on the same level
Passed Grade 12 (with Mathematics)
Passed Grade 11 (with Mathematics)
Passed Grade 10 (with relevant technical subjects)
Passed Grade 10 (with Mathematics)
Passed Grade 9 (with Mathematics and Physical Science)
Passed N1 with 4 subjects on same level
Passed N1 with 3 subjects on the same level
Passed Grade 12 (with Mathematics & Science)
Passed Grade 11 (with relevant technical subjects *)
Passed, NC(V) Level 2 (all subjects)
Mechanical Engineering – If student does not have Drawing subjects on school level, he/she must start with N1
Civil Engineering – If student does not have Civil subjects on school level, he/she must start with N1 certificate
Passed N2 with 4 subjects on the same level
Passed N2 with 3 subjects on the same level
Passed Grade 12 (with Mathematics , Science & 1 relevant technical subject*)
Passed NC(V) Level 3 (all subjects)
Mechanical – If student does not have Drawing subjects on school level, he/she must start with N1 certificate.
Civil – If student does not have Civil subjects on school level, he/she must start with N1 certificate.
Passed N3 with 4 subjects on the same level
Passed N3 with 3 subjects on the same level
Passed Grade 12 (with Mathematics , Science & 2 relevant technical subjects)
Passed NC(V) Level 4 (all subjects)
Passed N4 with 4 subjects on the same level
Passed N4 with 3 subjects on the same level

Enrolment Procedure for a Foreign National Prospective student.pdf
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