University of Limpopo Careers

University of Limpopo Careers

The University Of Limpopo periodically publishes Careers on their vacancy website. The Careers covers both academic and non academic positions.
For Current Lists Of Available positions, follow this link

The varied sub-disciplines of Botany and Zoology result in a wide choice of possible careers, which include the following:

  • Teachers/Lecturers
  • Biology teachers and Botany/Zoology lecturers at universities will inspire in young people the required knowledge and enthusiasm about our unique fauna and flora
  • Anatomists/Morphologists – study the inner and outer structures of organisms
  • Plant Physiologists/ Plant biochemists – deal with the study of growth and development of plants
  • Ecologists – study of plants and animals in relation to the environments in which they occur, particularly emphasizing the interactions between plants, animals and their environment
  • Systematists – specialise to identify and classify plants and animals
  • Mycologists – engage themselves in the study of fungi
  • Ethnobotanists – involved in recording the use of indigenous plants for food, fibre, medicinal and a host of other purposes
  • Plant Geneticists – occupy themselves with the breeding of new and improved existing plant crops
  • Molecular Systematists – study organisms and their interrelationships using biochemical characters
  • Nature Conservation Scientists/Conservation biologists – study our fauna and flora and their conservation
  • Plant Pathologists – study organisms that cause plant diseases
  • Weed Scientists – study invasive plants, in combination with their biological and chemical control
  • Reproductive Biologists – specialise in the study of reproductive mechanisms of organisms
  • Parasitologists – study of the organisms living on hosts
  • Limnologists – study of the water quality and the factors affecting it

Employment agencies:

Governmental departments, regional and local authorities, such as:

•  Department of Education

•  Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

•  Conservation (various departments)

•  Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism

•  Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

•  Department of Agriculture

Private and Governmental departments such as:

•  Medical and veterinary laboratories

•  Wildlife and environmental management – water management, pollution control, population genetics

•  Community water and sanitation agencies

•  Environmental consultancy in any biological field

•  Environmental health and welfare

•  Education and training – at all levels

•  Academic research

•  Forensic science
