University of Stellenbosch Faculty of Health Sciences how to Apply or Admission Procedure

University of Stellenbosch Faculty of Health Sciences how to Apply or Admission Procedure

How do I apply?


  1. Read up on all the programmes we offer at Stellenbosch University by visiting What can I study?
  2. Make sure that you understand the selection criteria of the different faculties. The criteria are available at  Admission and selection requirements.
  3. Also take note or the closing dates31 May:  Applications close for the programme MB,ChB in the Faculty Medicine and Health Sciences
    30 June:  Applications close for all other undergraduate programmes
    30 June:  Residence applications close
    31 August: Applications for Stellenbosch University financial assistance close
    31 October: Diploma in Public Accountability (Telematic Education)


1. For Stellenbosch University you my select three programme choices. The reason you may indicate three programmes, is that there are programmes with extensive selection criteria and it is possible that you will not to be selected for your first choice, but you may still be selected for your second or third choice.
2. However, if we inform you that you have been selected for your second choice, for instance, this does not mean that you cannot be considered for your first choice anymore.
3. Note however, that you can only be admitted to one programme at a time. If you are admitted to your second choice at first, and your first choice is then reconsidered, your second choice will lapse as soon as you are admitted to your first choice.
4. All our programmes have selection criteria, but the following programmes all have extensive selection processes: All programmes in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; all programmes in the Faculty of Law; BA (Visual Arts); BA (Drama); BA (Music); BMus; BA (Sport Science); BSc (Sport Science); BEd (GenEd); BEngineering; and BCom (International Business).

  • If your first programme choice is one of the abovementioned programmes, you must indicate a second choice, and where applicable, even a third choice.
  • You can only choose one programme from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
  • Your first and second choices may both be from the list of selection programmes above, but then you must also indicate a third choice not from this list.

5. If you want to change your programme choice, send an e-mail containing your request to Please remember that, after the closing date, you can only be considered if there are places available in the programme.
6. To help you place your programme choice in the correct order, also bear the following in mind:

Medicine and Health Sciences and Education

These two faculties will only consider your programme choice if it is indicated as your first choice.

Law programmes

Selection for the programmes BA (Law), BCom (Law) or BAccLLB will only be considered if it is your first programme choice. The undergraduate, four-year LLB programme will be considered as a first or a second choice on your application.

Arts and Social Sciences

Only first and second choices of programme will be considered. Third choices  will only be considered if the first and second choices of programme are programmes from the abovementioned list of selection programmes.  BA Sport Science will only consider first or second choices. Acceptance for a second and/or third programme choice in this faculty lapses when a candidate gets accepted for a first and/or second programme choice in another faculty. If a candidate then decides to revert back to a programme choice in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences a written request must be submitted by 30 September of the previous year. Such requests will only be considered if places are available.

Economic and Management Sciences

This faculty will consider first, second or third programme choices. If you have more than one programme on your list, all Economic and Management Sciences choices will be considered in your order of preference, based on your selection score, your application marks and on whether there are places available in the programme concerned. This arrangement does not include BComm (International Business), BAccLLB and BCom (Law).


This faculty will consider your application for one of their programmes as a first, second or third choice, with the exception of the programme in Food Science (or a programme where Food as offered as a subject). For these programmes, your application will only be considered as a first or second choice.

Science, Engineering and Theology

These faculties will consider your application for one of their programmes as a first, second or third choice.


1. To apply online, you will need a valid email address and cell phone number. Correspondence will be sent to the email address and sms’s to the cell phone.
2. As soon as you’ve registered for your online application, you will receive a user name and password to continue your application.
3. To complete your online application, all compulsory screens, with red ‘Outstanding’ buttons, must be completed.
4. To finalise the application, click on the ‘Finalise’ button. Please note: the ‘finalise’ button is only available once ALL the compulsory screens are completed (a green ‘Completed’ button will then be displayed).
5. Your application will only be processed AFTER the application has been finalised AND all the supporting documents were uploaded at Your Admission Status link before the closing date.
6. You will receive a username (your student number) and password to access Your Admission Status.
7. The application could be completed over a period of time. Should there for example be an electricity outage, data will not be lost and the application can be completed at a later stage.
8. Please note that, if we also receive a hard copy application from you, we will only accept the online application as the intended one.
1. You can get a paper application form at 021 808 9111 or at
2. Complete all the required fields and send the form with the required application documents to reach the University before the closing date.


    • Read more on the requirements regarding compulsory application documents, your contract as well as the application fee payment options in the relevant sections of the online application or the hard copy application.
    • Certified copies of the original documents, as specified below, must be provided.
    • Electronic copies you provide should be clear and legible (not blurred, cropped or obscured). The preferred format is pdf, jpeg and tiff for uploading your documents.
    • Stellenbosch University reserves the right to request original and additional supporting documentation should this be deemed necessary at any point.
    • Your signed contract, your application documents as well as proof of payment should be uploaded online at Your Admission Status link on before the closing date. If you apply with a hard copy application, you should include all the required documents with you application.
    • If we do not receive all your documents by the closing date, your application will unfortunately not be considered.
    • It remains your responsibility to make sure that the University receives these documents in time. You can monitor your application on to ensure that your application is complete.

Student support form (students with disabilities)
Additional documents (If applicable):


    • Application fees can be paid as part of the online application process
    • Cash payments may also be made in person at the cashiers at the Administration A building (Stellenbosch Campus).
    • Read more on payment options


    • It is compulsory for ALL prospective first-year students at SU, regardless of the matriculation year, studies at another higher education institution, or examination system followed, to write the National Benchmark Tests.
    • If you apply for a programme in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences or for a programme in Law, you must write the National Benchmark Test (NBT) before the end of June, as the achievement in the NBT is used in the selection process.
    • For all other programmes you must write the NBT before you may register as a student at Stellenbosch University. We may use the results for placement in a main stream or an extended degree programme.
    • Read more on the NBT’s and how faculties can use the results for selection and placement decisions.
    • Please visit or call 021 650 3523 to get more information and/or make a booking to write the NBT’s.