Weston Agricultural College Boarding

Weston Agricultural College Boarding


The boarding establishment has grown from two buildings in the early days of Weston to four buildings able to accommodate a maximum of 222 boarders. Each boarder has his own cubicle with bed, bedside table and chair, clothes locker and under-bed storage compartment.
The boarding establishment is divided into East and West Common, with Parker House occupying a special position within West Common. The Hostel Superintendent is in overall charge of the boarding establishment, and keeps in contact with the staff members in each Common and Parker House on a regular basis. Every day a Duty Tutor from each Common supervises the boarders in his Common, from breakfast in the morning, through lunch, supper and prep (homework) to lights out at night. The Duty Tutors are assisted by the Prefect body – each Common and Parker House has a Head of House Prefect and two or three prefects who take turns to supervise meals and prep classrooms, carry out daily inspections and also act as representatives of the boarders and sort out minor grievances.
The dining hall has been moved at least once in the history of the boarding establishment, and now lies in the centre of the establishment along with the laundry and the sick bay. The whole complex adjoins the school buildings. Also within the boarding establishment complex are various recreation rooms. During the week there is little time to watch television, or play table tennis or pool/snooker, but over the weekends those boarders staying in do have time to use these facilities.
Due to the hazards of overtaxing the wiring in the buildings, each boarder is allowed only a bedside radio/alarm and lamp. Although boarders love to bring kettles, heating elements, electric blankets, snackwich makers and such, these private electrical appliances are not permitted to avoid personal injury or damage to the boarding establishment.

Parker House

Finished in 1990 and occupied for the first time in 1991, Parker House is the newest of the buildings. Initially occupied by matriculants, it is now the home of the Grade 8 group. In terms of the organisation of the boarding establishment, Parker is semi-autonomous under the wing of West Common, and has its own Housemaster.
Keeping the Grade 8 boarders together as a group, away from the senior part of the boarding establishment has eliminated much of the pressure felt by new Grade 8’s. It has the added benefit of bonding the group, as they see each other more often. This is an important part of coping with the inevitable social pressures found in any boarding situation.
Parker House Master        
Pierre van Rensburg            
E-mail: pierre@weston.co.za    
Smyth and Charlton Houses

West Common lies between Parker House and East Common, and its buildings are the original hostels built when the school was first established. These solid red-brick buildings have been refurbished and the original dormitories partitioned into individual cubicles. Smyth House and Charlton House are the names of the two buildings and for many years were also the names of two of the school’s sports houses.
Smyth House Master                                              
Ralph Paterson                                                      
E-mail: patersonr@weston.co.za 
Charlton House Master and Hostel Superintendant      
Eraldo Lalla                   
Email: aldo@weston.co.za

Shorten and Paterson Houses  

East Common lies (naturally) to the East of the boarding establishment and was built some years before Parker House was conceived. It is a long, double-storey building. The top floor is called Paterson House and the bottom floor Shorten House.  Each house has a Housemaster who lives near or attached to the house.
Shorten House Master                                     
Wesley Hartley                                                 
E-mail: wesley@weston.co.za  
Paterson House Master       
Gawie Meyer
Email: wikus@weston.co.za