2024 Abe Bailey Travel Bursary / Scholarship Opportunity

2024 Abe Bailey Travel Bursary / Scholarship Opportunity


The Trustees of the Abe Bailey Trust are calling for applications for the annual travel bursary to the United Kingdom.

Date of Tour: 26st November 2024 – 22th December 2024

Cape Town –United Kingdom


Leadership Development Towards Nation Building


• Senior (3rd year and above) students/junior staff members

• Age 25 years or less

• South Africans

• Leadership qualities and Academically strong

To apply:

Please submit a short CV containing the following details:

• Name, address and contact details

• Date of birth and nationality

• Schools attended

• Matriculation year and results

• University qualifications and results

• Extra-curricular activities at school and university

• Social and community service

• Leadership activities

Other documents

• Copy of Identity document

• A brief statement of  the dates and purpose of any previous visits undertaken to the UK

• A letter of motivation

• Three reference letters reporting on character, leadership and personality

Please submit applications to the Financial Aid Helpdesk, Prefab Building behind Administration, before or on 18 MAY 2024