2025 Anglo American Learnership Opportunity Details

2025 Anglo American Learnership Opportunity Details

Set its location in Amandebult and Mogalakwena, it provides supportive environment for applicants to develop their qualifications for certain area that relevant to their higher education, Anglo American learnership invites excellent graduates to apply for their external lernership program that aims for applicants with these follow majors; auto electrician, electrician, instrument and measurement control, earth moving mechanic, boilermaker (plater welder), rigger ropesman, diesel mechanic, and fitter (including machining). For better chance in gaining the opportunity for a learnership at Anglo American you need NVC level-3 (for appropriate trade) or N2 that is completed with total 4 (four) with certain discipline requirement for better benefits.
Capability to undergo AAA for role description, matric qualification with English and Mathematics for average 40% (minimum) are other things that you should match if you expect to join Anglo American Learnership. In addition, it is pivotal also to prepare certified copy of SA ID, well-structured CV and the qualifications results. Once you’re done, assure that you submit it to the Officer in charged (the recruitment Officer) to the location mentioned above. If you can’t, another alternative is sending that application online at platinum.rustenburg@angloamerican.com or another option, you too can send it through www.angloamerican.co.za before it’s closed on December 28th 2025.
Bear in mind that when deciding to apply for Anglo American learnership through online, you need to put the reference number for the learnership. Through your application, you need to specify in which area where you want to apply, but ensure that you live in that area or its surrounding area. When you are chosen to be interviewed, tag along both the original and the copied certificates of your qualifications. This learnership applies employment equity, however, they put their preference to those suitable applicants whose families/parents work under Anglo American Platinum. Finally, all of the accommodation/transports fees that you spend for attending the learnership will be covered by the official.