2025 DHET Graduate Internship Program

2025 DHET Graduate Internship Program

Waiting for a chance to apply for DHET graduate internship program for 2025, the opportunity is there for you. The only thing that should be your concern is about the requirements and other competencies if those are available. Speak of graduate internship at DHET, there are some categories for the position that you can apply for the internship program. But first, you need to ensure that you are unemployed graduates whose ages are 18 to 35 years old. About the internship program then, you can apply for CFO to fill these following; Asset Management/Supply Chain Management, Financial Services, Internal Audit/Compliance, and Public Entities/Development Support.

Another, it is M&C/HRDP which positions to apply are Social Inclusion and Equity/Secretarial Support and Strategic Coordination, African Middle East/Global Partnership, Information System Coordination, Legislative and Legal Services that are designed for Education Institutions, and many others. You also can apply for University Education for DHET graduate Internship that covers Financial and Physical Training, Teaching Qualification and Policy, and plenty others. If you expecting for another option, then it will be VCET, where you can apply for Financial Planning, Institutional and Financial Support, Assessment and National Exam, and so on.

The rest of the category includes Skill Development and Corporate Services for Government IT office, Facilities Management and also Logistic Service. Say that you have something on your mind for DHET graduate internship, take your time to call 012 312 5192 (Ms Nokwanda Khoza) or 012 312 5125 (Mr M Rooi). Send your application with Z83 form alongside with well-structured CV, certified copies of ID and qualifications, to; The Director-General/Dept of Higher Education and Training/Private Bag: X174/Pretoria-0001. You can also hand delivery your application through 123 Francis Baard Street to directly go to its Reception area before or none later thanJanuary 22nd 2025. TVET College graduates and individual with disabilities, you too have chance for the internship program.