2025 Graduate / Internship Programme at KZN Cogta
Closing Date: 11 October 2025
The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs is offering an Internship Programme for a period of 24 months to unemployed graduates. The interns will be deployed to Municipalities in the Province of Kwazulu Natal in which they reside. This will provide opportunities to unemployed graduates to gain work experience in various skills sets at Municipalities.
Graduates from the following fields of study are invited to apply:
- Civil Engineering, Construction and Building Management (MIP 1 / 2025)
- Internal Audit and Risk Management(MIP 2 / 2025)
- Urban and Regional Planning (Town Planners) (MIP 3 / 2025)
- Finance and Accounting (Accountants (MIP 4 / 2025)
- Electrical Engineering (Engineers, Technicians and Technologists) (MIP 5 / 2025)
- Water Engineering and Quality Management (Water Process Controllers, Reticulation and Plant operation) (MIP 6 / 2025)
- Plumbing and Sanitation (MIP 7 / 2025)
- GIS and Land use (Technologists) (MIP 8 / 2025)
- Human Resources Management (MIP 9 / 2025)
- Applicants must be preferably from Kwazulu-Natal:
- Applicants must be between 18-35 years of age, applicants over the age of 35 may also be considered;
- A signed affidavit from a Commissioner of Oaths as proof of unemployment, clearly indicating that you have not previously benefited from an Internship Programme at National, Provincial or Local government level:
- Applicants must have successfully completed a 3 or 4 year Tertiary qualification (certificated through graduation) and have never previously participated in an Internship Programme at National, Provincial or Local government level;
- Candidates must be prepared to undergo a selection process that will include a structured interview, and
- Candidates must, on the Z83 form, clearly indicate the District within which they reside in the top left corner.
Applications must be on a fully completed Z83 form (obtainable at any Public Service Department) with a detailed CV including a contact telephone number, physical and postal address (Proof of residential address. (e.g. Electricity Bill, Retail Statements, Local Councillor Affidavit) and certified copies of ID and qualifications, APPLICATIONS TO BE POSTED TO: The Chief Director: Human Resource Management and Development (Human Capital Development Directorate), Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X9078, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or HAND DELIVERED TO: 330 Langalibalele Street, 15 Floor, South Tower, Room 104, Natalia Building, Pietermaritzburg for the attention of Ms T Zuma, Closing date: Friday, 11 October 2025 (Applications received after this date will not be accepted).
ENQUIRIES: Enquiries relating to these posts must be addressed to Mr. C. Moagi on Tel: 033-897 5604 or email clearance.moagi@kzncogta.gov.za
NB: Failure to submit the required documentation or failure to complete of the 283 Application Form will result in applications not being considered. No late, faxed or emailed applications will be considered. Due to the anticipated volume of applications, communication will be limited to the selected candidates and if you have not been contacted within three months of the closing date consider your application to be unsuccessful.