2025 IEMAS Financial Advisory Learnership Program

2025 IEMAS Financial Advisory Learnership Program

There are so many ways you can get for having the life to be more valuable. One of the most important things is that you have to get the experience in working to be as much as you can for getting new skills and new knowledge. The IEMAS financial advisory gives the learnership program in which you can get so many experiences and knowledge about the financial world especially for the insurance industry. Since this is one of the most improving and growing businesses, you can get this chance for proofing that you can be counted on the financial business and the insurance fields.
When you are considering having the learnership program from IEMAS financial advisory, you can actually consider about what the benefits of getting the learnership from IEMAS. The first thing you have to consider the most is about the contract you will get for the 12 months and you will also get the salary at R3000 per month. You will also be certified at the NQF 4 level. Besides, you will also find the easiness for getting the continuous coaching and mentoring for the job assessment. The exposure for the insurance jobs and business is also available.
Apply IEMAS Financial Advisory Services Learnership Programme
The requirements of this program are various. The first, you have to be unemployed and are not in the plan for being employed during the learnership program. You should also be interested in the insurance fields as your job. Then, you should also get the good communication skill which will lead to the team work and the representation towards the product you have. You shouldn’t be in another study during 2025 and are able to start the learnership program in 1 August 2025. If you are interested in joining the IEMAS financial advisory learnership program, you should apply to the IEMAS before the closing date at 30 June 2025.