2025 TSiBA Learnership Opportunity
TSiBA is a unique, private, not for profit business school that helps people who cannot access opportunities to jump ahead in life. TSiBA does this by providing emerging leaders with full-tuition scholarships to study towards our high quality, accredited academic courses that are focused on developing entrepreneurship and leadership.
Our aim is to provide excellent business education for people with a social conscience who have the desire and the skills to build our nation.
TSiBA is registered and accredited with the Department of Education as a private higher education institution (No: 2007/HE08/001). TSiBA is also registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (No: 930014613).
We currently have an urban campus in Pinelands, Cape Town and a rural campus, TSIBA Eden, in the town of Karatara, near Knysna.
If you are young and strongly focused, here’s your chance to join a corporate and shape your future in a career beaming with golden opportunities.
- Minimum Grade 11 (or NQF 3) with a pass in English Between 18 and 24 years old.
- Currently unemployed and not studying full-time or part-time
- Good command of the English language, both written and verbal
- Committed to complete the 12 month programme
- Willingness to learn.
- The ability to relate well to people at all levels and to work well in a team.
- Attention to detail
Hard working. If you are interested in this opportunity, please email a copy of your CV, highest qualification and ID to careers@tsiba.ac.za.Only South African candidates will be considered. Persons with disability are encouraged to apply.
TSiBA Education is committed to Employment Equity when recruiting internally and externally, this includes persons with disabilities. It is company policy to promote from within wherever possible. Therefore, please be aware that internal candidates will be considered first before reviewing external applicants, providing that this supports the achievement of our Employment Equity goals.