5 Questions you can refuse to answer in an interview

5 Questions you can refuse to answer in an interview

If you’re in the process of preparing for an interview, it’s a good idea to take note of the below questions. No hiring manager is allowed to ask you any of these questions. If they do, you’re well within your rights to report the hiring manager to the CCMA.
1. Do you have any disabilities?
This question is discriminatory and shouldn’t determine whether or not the job is yours. However, if the employer is merely asking what you would need to make your working environment optimal, that is reasonable.

2. Are you HIV positive?

This is an illegal question that you’re by no means obliged to answer. Whether your answer is “yes” or “no” it shouldn’t determine whether or not you’re the ideal candidate for the job.

3. What are your religious beliefs?

Your religion should never be a determining factor for employment unless you are of course applying for a position as an Imam, priest or rabbi, for example, where religion does actually play a role.

4. Are you married?
This question is inappropriate as it focuses on your personal life and not your skills and expertise. Whether you are married or single shouldn’t determine whether you’re the right candidate for the job, and if it is, you have every right to report the hiring manager.
5. Do you have children? 
No employer should base your employability on whether or not you have children. If the employer wants to know how committed you are to your job, they should instead ask what your working hours are or if you have any responsibilities outside of work that may interfere with your job, if you are required to travel, for example.
Never allow recruiters or hiring managers to ask you any of these questions. You have rights that should be respected and if they aren’t, you could choose to report unlawful interviewing to the CCMA.