University of the Witwatersrand Online Application – What happens Next

University of the Witwatersrand Online Application – What happens Next

You will be sent acknowledgement of receipt of your application via email.  All correspondence is also available on, where you can check the status of your application.
The acknowledgement letter contains details of your reference person for you to contact for enquiries, and your person/student number. Quote this number every time you contact Wits.
Each choice of programme is treated as a separate application. A letter will be sent to you once a decision is made on any one of your choices. The letter gives you further instructions (e.g. pay a deposit to secure the offer of a place, or attend an interview, or write a selection test).
Current Matriculants: Wits will get your matric results directly from the relevant Department of Education, unless you are:

  1. a very late applicant
  2. writing matric as a private candidate or by correspondence
  3. rewriting only a few subjects.

If you fall in categories 1 to 3, please send a certified copy of your matric certificate to the Student Enrolment Centre.
Current Matriculants may be made a conditional offer (depending on the Grade 11 results), or be invited to attend an interview, or an audition, or selection/placement test.
Some faculties will make you a conditional offer on the basis of your Grade 11 report. No offer can be confirmed until your matric results are received.
Changed your mind about your choice of study?
Let SEnC know in writing what your new selection is (do not submit a new application).
NB: Check with SEnC to make sure applications are still open for your new selection.
NB: Let SEnC know straight away if your contact details change.
Successful applicants are sent communication offering a firm place. Information about registration and orientation will be available on the Wits website – 
Firm offer letters are sent once matric results are available (early January) or earlier if you have already matriculated.
Applicants are encouraged to check once results have been released.
Reply to the offer and let us know whether you are coming to Wits
You can only accept one offer as places are limited.
NB: You are required to respond to the offer within one week to secure your place.
– See more at: