Limpopo SAPS Basic Police Development Learnership Programme

Limpopo SAPS Basic Police Development Learnership Programme

Are you ready to join a basic police development learning programme by Limpopo SAPS? If you are,then, there is no wait to prepare the things that you need to apply this programme, why? Sincethis programme will be closed soon on December 19th 2014. There are many places where youcan apply Limpopo SAPS basic police development learning programme such as Giyani, Vhembeand around Limpopo provinces (Madimolle district, Mopani district and many more), however, besure that you only apply your application in the nearest post where you are living. Addition, youonly allow to send three applications, if it is more than that, unfortunately, the application will bedismissed.
Nevertheless, herein what you need to do if you really want to take part into Limpopo SAPS basic police development learning programme, the early thing you need to do is taking the applicationform and complete it with your hand writing. To get the application form you can go directly to thenearest SAPS recruitment office in the nearest area where you reside. Then, you need to identifyin which post you will send your application. After you’ve done with that, another thing you need todo is signing the application form witnessed by commissioner of oath.
When sending your application, do not forget to include some of these following things if youexpect yourself to be a successful applicant, the things are; (a) your recent ID information, (b)citizenship legal document, (c) driver’s license, (d) Senior Certificate/Matric of Grade 12(oranything similar, (e) If the officials of Limpopo SAPS basic police development learningprogramme consider that you have the profile that is needed during the fitness assessment (theassessment that is settled after psychometric assessment), then you need to provide 4 (four) IDphotographs in color for interview, medical assessment, fitness assessment and the applicationform.
Apply SAPS Basic Police Learnerships