Auditions: Miss Jozi 2024

Auditions: Miss Jozi 2024

Miss Jozi is a search for young determined, confident, intellectual & well-groomed ladies; aged 17 to 27 years; living within and around the respective communities of Johannesburg.
The Miss Jozi organizers are a young and energetic team whose mission is to show young women that they can be whatever they want in this life, starting with being Miss Jozi. Miss Jozi’s inspirational figure is Miss South Africa.
Applications for Miss Jozi 2024 Auditions are now open.
-Miss Jozi 2024 winner will receive R30 000.00 in cash, Laptop, 1 year paid data, Virgin Hair, Beauty spa services and a Gift card.
-The 2nd Place runner-up will receive R15 000.00 in cash, Beauty spa services, Skin products and a Gift Card.
-The 3rd Place runner-up will receive R5 000.00 in cash, Beauty spa services, Skin care products and a Gift card.
Rules and Guidelines

  • Applicants must be at least 17 years of age and not older than 27 years old on 01 September 2024.
  • All applicants must be never married.
  • Applicants must not be pregnant.
  • Applicant must be currently living within the Gauteng province in order to compete in the Beauty Pageant.
  • Applicant must be a naturally born female in order to compete in the Beauty Pageant.
  • Applicants must not be contracted with terms that conflict with those of Miss Jozi beauty pageant.
  • Any incorrect information will result in disqualification whether discovered prior to, during, or after the finals.
  • Applicants must understand that the judges’ decisions and scoring are final and will not be changed.

How to enter: go to

  1. Populate the online application form.
  2. Upload your clear photos (1 Head & Shoulders photo, 1 Full Length photo)
  3. Make sure you read and understand the terms and conditions of the competition.
  4. Click submit form.

Auditions Details
Venue: Braamfontein Recreation Centre (Johannesburg, Cnr Harrison and Smit Streets)
Date: 29 April 2024, Saturday
Time: 11:30 AM
Closing date is 29 April 2024 at 10:00 AM.