UP First Call for Abstracts: 5th Southern African Students’ Psychology Conference

UP First Call for Abstracts: 5th Southern African Students’ Psychology Conference

The Psychology Departments of the University of South Africa, and the Women’s University of Africa in collaboration with the University of Zimbabwe invite you to the 5th Southern African Students’ Psychology Conference.
Date: 28 – 30th June 2024
Venue: The University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
Conference Theme:  ​​“Psychologies in dialogue: Strengthening our African Connections”
Psychology has been criticised for its unreflective importation of Western ideologies to the African context. Crucial conversations are necessary to question psychology and its potential for addressing the unique histories and diversity of our African reality. Should psychology essentially remain as we inherited it from Europe and the USA, but allowing for some local contextual factors? Or should we take a more radical approach to the decolonisation of knowledge and a thoroughgoing Africanisation of the discipline? Is there only one psychology or should we be rethinking psychology as multiple psychologies, moving beyond just one dominant form of the discipline?
We do not expect all contributions to speak directly to this theme, but encourage contributors and participants to at least consider how their work relates to the theme. Students and Staff from Psychology Departments, and related disciplines, across Southern Africa are invited to join us in this venture. The conference will take place from the 29 – 30 June 2024 at the University of Zimbabwe, Harare. Pre-conference workshops will be scheduled for Wednesday the 28thJune 2024.
Students and their academic mentors who are interested in presenting at the conference are requested to submit a title and an abstract of not more than 300 words on the conference website before 31st January 2024.
Contact persons:
Khonzi Mbatha- mbathk@unisa.ac.za or Errolyn Long- longel@unisa.ac.za
(co- Chairs: Scientific Committee)
Department of Psychology
For more details about the conference click here or please visit: http://www.studentsconference.co.za/

The Annual Consulting Psychology Conference 

Unisa’s Departments of Psychology and Industrial and Organisational Psychology, in association with the 2024 Doctoral Students in Consulting Psychology, are proud to host a Consulting Psychology Conference in South Africa.
The Conference will be hosted on 19 August 2024 at the Function Hall, Kgorong Building, Unisa (Muckleneuk Campus)

Cornerstone Institute presents “Counselling Children and Adolescence” 

Exploring some age specific techniques to address some of the challenges of working with children and adolescents.
The workshop will be hosted on 23 August 2024 from 10h00 to 15h30.  For more information contact Celeste on celestes@cornerstone.ac.za