Institute Of Business Management :All Courses

Institute Of Business Management :All Courses

One Year Certificate Course

Fully Accredited Certificate Courses Duration Details
Certificate in Public Administration 1 Year SETA

Business and Management Courses

Select Course Name to View Full Course Details

Business Courses Duration Details
Business Office Administration 4-6 Months SETA
Debt Recovery 6-8 Weeks IBM

Financial and Accounting Courses

Financial & Accounting Courses Duration Details
Interpret Financial Statements 4-6 Weeks SETA
Produce Accounting Reports 4-6 Weeks SETA
Financial Planning and Control 4-6 Weeks SETA
Business Finance Administration 4-6 Months SETA
Business Accounting Principles 4-6 Months SETA

Local Government Courses

Municipality & Public Admin Courses Duration Details
Municipal Records Administration Management
4-6 Weeks SETA
Functions of Departments in a Municipality 4-6 Weeks SETA
Municipal Accounting and Budgeting Input 4-6 Weeks SETA
Supply Chain Management  3-4 Months SETA
Health and Safety Management 3-4 Months SETA
Public Office Administration 4-6 Months SETA
Public Finance Administration 4-6 Months SETA
Public Office Human Resources Management 4-6 Months SETA
Management Courses Duration Details
Business Management 6-8 Weeks IBM Provider
Human Resources Management 4-6 Months SETA
Project Management 3-4 Months SETA
Health and Safety Management 3-4 Months SETA