BHP Billiton Mining Careers and Jobs
BHP Billiton Mining is one within few mining companies in SA that has huge contribution for its surrounding community in many ways, and one of them is through BHP Billiton Mining Careers and Jobs. For its Career, BHP Billiton Mining provides numbers viable career position for its suitable learners. However first, it is pivotal to pass the requirements that become the measurement to determine whether you are deserved or not for the position. If you want to become part of the company, here are some available majors which mostly asked; chemical engineering, control systems, accounting marketing, information technology, environmental science, surveying, geology and its pertinent areas.
Now, it’s about the least requirements that somehow you usually find when applying for BHP Billiton Mining Careers and Jobs. Speak for this, you must be first has SA citizenship with valid ID. Have possession of Matric together with Science and Math, also you better capable to fluently speak English. Good in dealing with deadline, sound communication skill, familiar with multi-tasking, have huge passion in learning something new, and able to be a team player but also know how to deal with certain matter by one’s self, and some other good traits–having those qualities will certainly open your chance for the learnership opportunity.
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Apply BHP Billiton Mining Learnerships
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In addition, adding these values as your values of life, such as; simplicity, integrity, self-driven, dedication, and accountability are also important for better chance of becoming successful learners for BHP Billiton Mining Careers and Jobs. When it comes to the application of the Career opportunity, it is usually a yearly program that learners can apply online. If you expect further information about the availability for the career and some other related information, you can either check their website or directly call their office within work hours. For the closing date, it is always depending on the company policy. Say that you look one, their career opens around July to December per year.