Department Of Education South Africa Accredited Journals

Department Of Education South Africa Accredited Journals

The following lists are regarded as accredited journals by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and some of the direct links are listed below.

  •  International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) (Click on ‘View Serials Title List’)
  • Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters ISI)
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson Reuters ISI)
  • Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Thomson Reuters ISI)
  • List of approved South African journals as maintained by the DHET (.pdf)
  • The Norwegian List
  • ScieLO SA
  • Scopus

ISI (2024)
IBSS (2024)
DHET (2024)
Norwegian List (2024)
ScieLO SA (2024)
Scopus (2024)