A Bursary Programme at SA National Space Agency

A Bursary Programme at SA National Space Agency

Education is one among some factors that is needed to achieve anyone’s future career. Do you think the same? However unfortunately, not all people can get proper education as this kind of thing is not cheap. Thus, SA National Space Agency with its bursary programme will help those who have huge interest toward science and love challenge to achieve their dream. This bursary opportunity is designed for those students of 2024 and 2024 academic year who apply from these following major; aeronautical engineering, climate change, aerospace engineering remote sensing, system engineering, mechanical engineering and other related area.
Another qualifications you should fit when applying a bursary from SA National Space Agency are; you must grab 65% average score, a resident of SA, have intention to apply for PhD/DTech. Masters,or Honours, you must pass the minimum requirement, and you need to name your interest toward certain major as there is particular project that will given to you. In addition, this bursary opportunity gives preference for disadvantage student. As you need to send your application online before or by its closing date on October 31 2024, there are some preparations ahead.
Click here to apply online
All of the certified document like current ID, academic result (June result), testimonial, and research proposal (in case you send a PhD or MSc application), you need to turn it into electronic format. Its size then, must be not larger than 2048 KB (2 MB) per each. Pay your attention also toward the file format that is allowed. For this bursary opportunity, then it must be in word file, pdf, and tif (when you upload image). At a time you already prepare all necessary things for SA National Space Agency bursary, you can apply it online. To remind you, there is application form that you should access before you start applying for this bursary, however, you only can access it once you become registered user. Have no idea? You can send your question to grants@sansa.org.za about this or another related issue.