Accounting Bursaries Information Qualified Bursars

Accounting Bursaries Information Qualified Bursars

Looking for accounting bursaries are not that difficult since, there are many bursaries available for suitable students to look one. Annually, you will discover big companies scheme bursary for accounting to accommodate young generation with excellent academic record to pursue their dream in accounting career. About the companies that regularly design bursary for accounting, some of them are; Shoprite, Sasol, Ernest & Young, Old Mutual, and Anglo Platinum. That aside, there are also bursary for accounting that designed by government, such as; Department of Finance, National Treasury Department, and Department of Transport.
Those who expect to get access for accounting bursaries, then be sure you pick these following majors; Auditing, Taxation, Managerial Accounting, and Financial Accounting. Why? Commonly companies or government organizations, put their preference toward those aforementioned field of studies. What’s else you should know? There are some requirements suitable applicants should follow; SA citizenship together with valid SA ID, you have excellent academic record, and you display excellent result for Math symbol. A proof of household income is also essential when applying for accounting bursary. So then, the official know that you are in need of financial assistance.
Lastly, you need to ensure that you are an individual who love to learn and improve yourself. Indeed, the requirements may be a bit different, but the basic stays the same. Even though commonly within accounting bursaries successful bursars will get access for free registration fees, tuition fees, books, accommodation, and some more, however, there are also chances for talented bursars to get work-based experience in or outside South Africa depending on the bursary policy. Too, it is not something less common that after graduating, aspiring bursars who are exposed with structured work experience can build their own accounting firm. Finally, it is about the closing date, making sure you will never abuse it.