Applying with Funza Lushaka Bursary Application Form

Applying with Funza Lushaka Bursary Application Form

First thing first, Funza Lushaka Bursary is your golden ticket to pursue your dream of being a teacher, no matter the financial crisis has made you like giving up. However, you can’t grab it right away without any method. Funza Lushaka Bursary application form is the thing you must know if you want to get closer to the bursary. Once you are qualified through the assessment of the application form, you will be studying to be a good teacher with fully guaranteed educational expenses. Relating to the career and job opportunities, this bursary will give you main benefit, that is to make you survive and successful in real work field.
If you really want to dedicate yourself as a teacher at public schools, but your current financial condition seems to burden you taking the advanced actions, Funza Lushaka Bursary application form is what you should concern about to receive the bursary and expand your study to become a teacher. The very basic aspect you must know before accessing the application form is that, the program requires the applicant to meet these criteria:

  1. The applicant should be a citizen of South Africa. The application files will even not be processed further if the copy of valid ID number of the country citizenship isn’t inserted with the form;
  2. The applicant should be able to be contacted through SMS or e-mail;
  3. The bursary will only be given to the applicant who covers two priority areas;
  4. The applicant should be committed to the procedural and administration regulations if later on they have been qualified to teach;
  5. The bursary has to be repaid by the bursar by teaching at provincial teaching post;
  6. The bursary is granted for one academic year;
  7. The bursars should have been accepted in accredited education institution;
  8. Other criteria for later selection will be about the report of academic performance and competence of the applicant.

What you will find during your journey before making the Funza Lushaka Bursary application form cleared, is the priority areas. The term is used to represent the teaching specializations you should master to be qualified for the application. First is foundation phase (Grades R-3) which focuses on African indigenous language, second is intermediate and senior phase (Grades 4-9) which focuses on math, science and technology, and third is FET phase (Grades 10-12) which focuses on advanced subject such as accounting, geography, electrical engineering, and graphics and designs.
For those of you who want to see apply bursary, you can click website below
Funza Lushaka Bursary Application Form
The detailed information about Funza Lushaka Bursary can be reached through its official website, as well as the application form you need to download, fill and submit. What we can sum up, files you are obligated to take care of if you are about to apply for the program is the printout of the application form with a copy of your ID number, plus other necessary docs to support your quality during the application assessment. Grab the Funza Lushaka Bursary application form after clicking “I accept” once you finished reading and understanding the terms and conditions on the site.