University Of Cape Town Withdrawal Of Strike 2024

University Of Cape Town Withdrawal Of Strike 2024

Dear colleagues and students
This serves as an update on the earlier communications in the morning and evening of 5 September 2024 in relation to potential strike action on campus.
This morning we received a notice from the union Salipswu informing us that they are withdrawing their earlier strike notice. They have also indicated that they will not embark on a strike prior to engaging with management in a genuine attempt to resolve outstanding issues in dispute. If the union intends to pursue strike action after that engagement, a fresh, valid strike notice will be issued. In turn, UCT has withdrawn its urgent application to interdict the strike. These arrangements have been made an order of court.
We are pleased that we have been able to agree on a process of further engagement, and that we now have an opportunity to address the outstanding issues of concern to labour. The Vice-Chancellor and senior members of the management team are currently meeting with the unions, and UCT is committed to a further process of engagement to resolve the issues.