Hillbrow residents unhappy over police disruption of NYE tradition

Hillbrow residents unhappy over police disruption of NYE tradition

Pieces of furniture were found strewn across the streets. (SABC)

Hillbrow residents say it was not easy for them to practice their New Year’s custom of throwing furniture out of windows of tall buildings due to high police presence.
The South African Police Services (SAPS) were monitoring the situation in Hillbrow, Johannesburg, stepping up safety operations while the New Year’s Eve celebrations were underway.
“We were supposed to throw those fridges but we didn’t because of this man. We are not happy because if they were not here we were going to throw it. There is no evidence that we are the ones throwing these things from our balconies,” said a community member.
At least 200 officers were out in full force to ensure trouble-free New Year’s celebrations in Hillbrow. They raided some buildings in the notorious suburb of Johannesburg, as expected, pieces of furniture were found strewn about in the streets below some flats.
Only a few crime incidents were reported. SAPS Major General, Dimakatso Ndaba, says police had to double their efforts when dealing with Hillbrow because of its bad reputation.