Type of Eskom Bursaries

Type of Eskom Bursaries

Eskom ever-expanding industrial, commercial, and mining activities as well as the increased demand on the existing infrastructure have already created an insatiable need for competent people, particularly in the fields of engineering, research, development, design, construction and production functions.
Therefore a number of Eskom bursary schemes are available to assist capable students to acquire good education which is essential for a better future.
Eskom bursary schemes offered are:-

                Full Eskom Bursary                     Scholarships
Offered mainly based on business needs of the business, given to the following individuals:

  • Academic deserving students
  • South African citizen
  • After completion of studies, to work-back obligation equal to contract duration
Offered exclusively to Eskom employees children/dependence based on the following:

  • Academic deserving students
  • Years of service by employee (minimum of 5years in service)

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