ADvTECH Group Limited Shareholder Profile

ADvTECH Group Limited Shareholder Profile

Shareholders Analysis
at 31 December 2025

Number of
% of
Number of
% of total
Range of shareholding
1 to 10 000 8 929 85.0% 15 982 382 2.9%
10 001 to 100 000 1 180 11.2% 35 076 662 6.5%
100 001 to 1 000 000 313 3.0% 106 144 391 19.5%
more than 1 000 000 87 0.8% 387 165 095 71.1%
10 509 100.0% 544 368 530 100.0%

To the best knowledge of the Directors and after reasonable enquiry, as at 31 December 2025, the spread of shareholders was as follows:

Shareholder spread

ADvTECH Share Incentive Scheme 1 0.0% 10 319 590 1.9%
Directors (including Prescribed Officers and subsidiary Directors) 10 0.1% 14 265 961 2.6%
Non-public shareholding 11 0.1% 24 585 551 4.5%
Public shareholding 10 498 99.9% 519 782 979 95.5%
Total of all shareholders 10 509 100.0% 544 368 530 100.0%

Major shareholders

According to the information available to the Company after reasonable enquiry, the following beneficial shareholders are directly or indirectly interested in 5% or more of ADvTECH’s share capital:

Shares held
Number %
Coronation Fund Managers 45 738 200 8.4%
CitiGroup (Custodian) 44 142 865 8.1%
Old Mutual Group 43 873 632 8.1%
Government Employees Pension Fund 40 158 435 7.4%

Share information

2025 2014 2014 2013 2012
Closing price at period end (cents) 1 717 1 456 870 657 620
JSE market price high (cents) 1 810 1 482 966 725 703
JSE market price low (cents) 1 292 845 658 600 561
Total number of transactions on JSE 82 893 39 007 19 877 12 610 8 402
Total number of shares traded 252 534 798 171 532 921 86 044 866 119 944 745 89 283 288
Total value of shares traded (R) 3 796 373 545 1 966 962 284 694 794 222 789 563 625 527 358 137
Average price per share (cents) 1 525 1 115 807 659 602
Shares in issue 544 368 530 530 759 317 421 282 422 421 282 422 421 282 422​
Percentage volume traded to shares in issue 46% 32% 20% 28% 21%
PE ratio 24.2 29.0 21.1 17.1 18.0