Ehlanzeni TVET College Online Registration

Ehlanzeni TVET College Online Registration

Register Online For Ehlanzeni TVET College 

 Terms and conditions of this application

  1. All particulars given by me in this form are true and correct;
  2. I accept responsibility to deliver any official document to my parent / Guardian;
  3. I will inform the Campus Manager immediatly, in writing, should my address change or when I cancel my course. I will incur all costs up to the date of my release;
  4. I am aware that course fees and legal costs will be recovered from me, should I fail to fulfill my financial commitements with the College;
  5. I am aware that enrolment will be cancelled in the event of anybody making alterations to deposit slips issued by the College;
  6. I fully understand that if I do not register during the week of registration and do not return my deposit slip within 1 working day, my name will not appear on any list and therefore, I can loose space in the College;
  7. I will familliarise myself with the Student Code of Conduct of this College and will abide by the rules and regulations as stipulated;
  8. I am aware that I will not be eligible for a refund to all fees paid, should I treminate or abandon my studies;
  9. I will abide by all examination and assessment regulations;
  10. I will present my Identity Document and Admission Permit before entering the examination room;
  11. I accept that R200.00 registration fee is non-refundable;
  12. I am responsible for payment of all fees for the duration of the Trimester program even if I terminate my studies before the end of the program.