Mogane Graduates At CUT Against All Odds

Mogane Graduates At CUT Against All Odds

Mr Cyprian Rudolph Mogane did not let his conditions stand in his way when he became one of the 3 668 CUT graduates to walk down the aisle. The 41-year-old blind graduate proudly received his qualification BTech: Public Management after his previous qualifications in Occupational Directed Education Practice and Training from Corporate College International (CCI) and Public Management Diploma from UNISA.
March Grad MS Blind graduate 18 1w
Cyprian represents many students with disabilities on campuses across the country that universities are obligated to serve their needs and ensure their full integration into the university life without hassle. Originally from Bushbuckridge in Mpumalanga, Cyprian made his way to Bloemfontein to explore his career at CUT. Although he mentioned that his journey was not a walk in the park, he is adamant that his perseverance saw him through. Asked about his challenges as a person with disabilities at the institution, Cyprian had this to say, “my first year at CUT was a misery as there were no resources to cater for me such as braille, JAWS software in computers, recording lectures, library material, orientation and mobility as well as a well-structured disability unit like many other universities. In my second year, things started to improve – that is why I am still here. I would like to pursue my MTech in Public Management, but I am not sure if all the resources I need will be available.”
He further said that he is grateful to be able to progress despite all the difficulties he faced. “I want my experience to be an inspiration to other people like me and would like to see CUT opening its doors to other disabled students and, see Work Integrated Learning programme benefiting and placing disabled people with relevant companies and institutions.”
Mogane further extended his appreciation to his mentors, lecturers and Head of the Department, Prof. Tryna van Niekerk, Mr Logan Munsamy and Dr Laetitia Laubscher for their undying support throughout his journey.
CUT is committed to the promotion of diversity on campus among students to create equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities. Such students are advised to visit the Office of Deputy Registrar: Academic Administration for more information and advice as to how they can be supported throughout their studies.
Mogane on stage at his graduation, being draped by Dr Mrwetyana, CUT Registrar.