RU: Trading Live for Mandela 2024

RU: Trading Live for Mandela 2024

Date: 18 July 2024 08:00 – 24 July 2024 17:00
Location: Rhodes University
Organiser: Nosi Nkwinti (Phone 046 603 7482)
Event Type: Alumni

Trading live is an annual Rhodes University event that is in its sixth year, designed around the National Mandela Day.  The idea was to move away from initiatives that can be characterized as charitable to a positive community building approach by sharing the assets we all have across our city.   This dispels the myth that economically disadvantaged people have no assets and encourages everyone to contribute towards a shared goal.  Over the six years, it has grown from one day to a week (18 – 24 July 2024) and many meaningful partnerships have been forged.  Last year 142 events took place across the city, it was incredible!!   This year is special because it is the centenary year.
The big goal is to contribute to the development of the Grahamstown community with a strong focus on the building of relationships, meeting new people and strengthening our community.