Ons Plek Projects Job Vacancy 2024

Ons Plek Projects Job Vacancy 2024

Ons Plek Projects is the only residential Child and Youth Care Centre in Cape Town that specialises in developmental and therapeutic intake services for girls who have lived, worked or begged on the streets of Cape Town.
Job Title: Residential Child Care Worker
Job Location: Cape Town
Remuneration: Salary commensurate with experience and normal leave facilities apply

  • Communication skills and ability to work in a team
  • Report writing skills in English and IsiXhosa / Afrikaans and evaluative ability
  • Be mature and have experience with children
  • Have a matric qualification
  • Work 12 hour shifts (e.g. day, night and week-end)
  • Be hands-on to supervise children (cooking, dressing, homework etc.)
  • Be qualified as a child care worker
  • Must obtain a qualification in child care work in order to be registered at the applicant’s expense once employed
  • Reside in the Cape Province

To apply
Hand deliver your CV to The Director, Ons Plek Projects, 7 Malleson Road, Mowbray. Emails to onsplek@onsplek.org.za
Application Deadline: Friday, 10 May, 2024