Q What is a Learnership?
A It is a learning programme that combines work-based experience with structured learning, i.e. theory and practice.
Q. How is the workplace experience obtained?
A. The learner works for an employer for an agreed time, i.e. the duration of the Learnership.
Q. What about a qualification?
A. A Learnership is an alternative way to achieve a qualification.
Q. Who pays for the Learner’s training?
A. The employer pays for the training of the Learner. Some Learnerships are also funded by the NSF.
Q. Where does the structured learning take place?

An accredited training provider is appointed.

Q. How does the Learner, Employer and Training Provider come to an agreement?
A. A Learnership Agreement is entered into between the Learner, Employer and Training Provider for the duration of the Learnership.
Q. Who signs the Agreement if I am still a minor?
A. The parent or legal guardian signs the agreement on behalf of the Learner.
Q. Who controls the Learnership Qualification.
A. The SETA registers the Learnership with the Department of Higher Education.
Q. What proof does the Learner have of the results?
A. A statement of results gets issued by the accredited provider and the qualification is issued by the ETQA.
Q. Who watches over the Learner at the workplace?
A. A registered assessor evaluates the workplace experience.
Q. Where are Learnerships found and for what duration?
A. It can be found in any field and of varied duration.
Q. What are Skills Programmes and Short courses?
A. Skills programme/short courses are shorter in duration than a Learnership.
Q. Does skills programmes lead to a qualification.
A. Yes. It can lead to a Learnership and eventually a qualification.
Q. Does a Learner receive any remuneration whilst on a Learnership?
A. Yes. Unemployed Learners receive a monthly allowance as laid-down by the Basic Conditions of Service of the Department of Labour. Employed Learners remain on the Terms conditions of their Employment Contract.