Getting To Know Stefanutti Stocks Bursaries

Getting To Know Stefanutti Stocks Bursaries

If you are a south african student with high passion to chase your higher education, then stefanutti stocks bursaries is probably the best solution that you should take. In fact, there are a lot of talents in the South Africa that has not been shining brightly. That is why, this bursaries is aimed to find those students who wish to be the next future leader of the country in the field that they are passionate about. There are some majors that you can take if you decide to apply for this bursaries. Are you interested at all? If you are, make sure that you take a look at some information below.

Knowning more about the stefanutti stocks bursaries

The first thing that we need to know about this stefanutti stocks bursaries is all the important things related to it. One of the most primary information that we need to know about it is the majors allowed in this bursaries. In fact, there are several majors that you can take when you decide to apply for this bursaries. Here is some majors that you can take as you major.

  • BSC Civil Engineering
  • Quantity Surveying
  • NDip Civil Engineering
  • Business Science
  • B. Eng
  • Construction Management
  • Electrical Engineering
  • B. Ing
  • Mechanical Engineering

The requirements needed to apply for the stefanutti stocks bursaries

The next thing that you also need to know about the scholarship or bursaies is the requirements. In fact, there are some requirements that you need to fulfil in order to make sure that your candidacy will be valued. Here is some requirements that you need to fulfil. Take a look.

  • You have to be a South African citizen
  • You have to have a valid South African ID document
  • You have to have a Grade 12 level of education (70% of points is required)
  • You have to have a 70% of average for HG English
  • You have to have a 70% of average for HG Physical Science / Core Mathematics
  • You have to be registered to study within South Africa
  • You have to have an average of 65% in each academic year as long as you are finance dby this bursaries.

That is some information that you need to find about this bursaries. Make sure that you fulfil all of the information that you need in order to be successful in your candidacy. You can find more information about the stefanutti stocks bursaries, you can open