AAUW Bursaries; From Women, For Women

AAUW Bursaries; From Women, For Women

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) bursaries is committed in helping women around the globe to develop their education and now open for you to expand your contribution in community. If you seek for greater level of education by completing studies in US, kindly send application for AAUW bursary now!

About AAUW

aauw bursary

Photo: huffingtonpost.com

The main goal of AAUW is to empower women by promoting equity in life through advocacy, philatrophy, education, and research. AAUW makes great effort to touch women’s life worldwide by giving fellowships for greater education and for success. Since 1917, 3.400 women from 140 nations awarded with International Fellowship. Not only that, AAUW also encourage women to get back to their home by supporting the assistance projects for the community. Therefore, AAUW bursaries are meant to help South African women to grow and improve their life, despite of violence and patriarchal culture. Annually, the organization provides scholarship to limited 200 candidates with various funding range from $18,000 to $30,000, depends on the field of study selected by the candidates.
Studies and Researches Field

The full time study is avalaible for graduate or postgraduate at one of 800 university and college partners (acreditted in Higher Learning). Study or reasearch fields are available based on selected institutes offered, concerns in business, academia, government, sciences, the art, and community activism.
AAUW Bursaries Application
Women and girls who are active in the community, dedicated in their profession and have passion in assisting others will be preferred. The candidates interested in applying must meet the requirements below:
–              Hold a Bachelor’s degree of specific field of study
–       Applicant must be resident of one of these countries:
South Africa
–              Applicants are skilled in reading and wriiting in English also verbally.
–              Willing to return to homeland after graduating
–              Applicants must pass eligibility tests in online application
AAUW Bursaries Submission
Every candidates can make application online through the website. Once the submission is open, candidates can start applying and please read carefully about the requirements needed. Therefore make sure that you fill all the required fields and documentation. All applications of AAUW bursaries must be submitted before 1st of December each year and will be open in the next year on the 1st of August.
Visit AAUW bursary to start online application:
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