Scholarship Program of Barclays Bursary

Scholarship Program of Barclays Bursary

There are so many ways and chance to develop our skill and knowledge. Scholarship program is one of the ways. If you are undergraduate or postgraduate student who is searching for scholarship program, then Barclays Bursary offers you the scholarship program. This scholarship program is aimed for students who studying one of the following qualification.
If you are from bachelor or postgraduate, you must come from sciences or engineering study, civil, technology or mechanical. The following concentration must be your basic, they are mathematical sciences, informatics, Engineering (Industrial, or Process), statistics, risk or investment management, and actuarial sciences, IT, LLB, Business mathematics and informatics. Barclays Bursary also opens for postgraduate and undergraduate students with certain qualifying criteria. First, applicants must be qualified to register and study full time in academic year at an accredited South African university. Second, the applicants from undergraduate students must have accomplished a minimum average of 70% in the first semester of academic year in their degree studies. And the last one is the applicants must not have a criminal record. However, before you apply this scholarship program, ensure that you will fulfill the entire requirement.
Apply for the Barclay’s Bursary/Scholarship Programme
There are some other requirements that must be possessed by applicants. They are; the applicants must be Pan African Citizens, the applicants did not receive any other bursary program or financial assistance program, and the last, the applicants are students at a recognized educational institution in South Africa. Qualified application will be proceed to next process. It is only for the applicants who fulfill the entire requirement. Therefore, ensure that you send application letter for Barclays Bursary scholarship program before its closing date at July 31th. Send your application letter alongside with your academic record, copy of current ID, updated curriculum vitae, school or university recommendation letter and other important document. This is a chance for you to have bright future by joining this scholarship programs.