Rhodes University Geoscience Bursaries

Rhodes University Geoscience Bursaries

Deadlines for submissions of applications are available from the sponsors. Most deadlines are between late April and late July.

Sponsoring Entity Contact info Comment
Amplats Bursary Department
Amplats Human Resource
Development Unit
PO Box 450
Employment contractual obligation of 6 months for every 6 months of bursary funding
Anglo American PCL Open
Anglo American PCL Commemorative Scholarships
c/o John Legoete at Careerwise
tel: +27 (0) 11 484 7505
fax: +27 (0)11 484 5951
e-mail detailed CV (including Academic Results, Degree and University) to:
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding
Anglo Coal c/o Career Wise
Anglo Plats The Bursaries Department
Anglo Platinum Development Centre
P.O. Box 450, Kroondal, 0350
http://www.angloplatinum.com (under “careers”)
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding
BHP Billiton BHP Billiton Bursary Scheme
c/o Career Wise (Pty) Limited
PO Box 30632, Braamfontein, 2024, RSA
tel: 011 484 7505
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding
Council for Geoscience web: www.geoscience.org.za
Training & Development Council fo Geoscience
Private Bag x118, Silverton, 0184
tel: 012 841-1116
e-mail: bursaries@geoscience.org.za
One of the few employers to encourage post-grad research
Supports only SA citicens, HDIs preferred
De Beers De Beers Bursaries
c/o Careerwise (Pty) Ltd
PO Box 30632
2024, South Africa
tel: 011 403-0933
fax: 011 403-0977
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding
Goldfields Limited The Bursary Administrator
GFTS Trust
Private Bag X11
Westonaria, 1780
tel: 011 752 1145
fax: 011 752 1109/086 535 2378
No service contract obligations
Impala Plats Impala Platinum
Bursary Manager
PO Box 5683
Kefiloe Seome
tel: 014 569 0088
e-mail: kefiloe.seome@implats.co.za
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding
Kumba Resources Ltd Att: Johanna Pliska
Recruitment, Bursaries & PIT’s
Kumba Resources Ltd
Bursary Department
PO Box 9229
fax: 012 307 4732
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funding
MINTEK bursaries@mintek.co.za
Ms Tebogo Gule
Graduate Resource Development Officer
Private Bag x3015
Randburg, SA, 2125
tel: 011 709-4111
fax: 011 793 2413
SA citizens only
Minimum average mark of 60% & no failed subjects
National Student Financial Aid Scheme of South Africa (NSFAS) Private Bag X1, Plumstead, 7807
contact: Linda Nhlumayo
web: www.nsfas.org.za
tel: 021 763 3232
fax: 021 762 6386
e-mail: info@nsfas.org.za
Rhodes liaison: 046 603-8248
Thami Matiwana, upstairs from Rhodes Career Centre
Loans & bursaries
designed to redress HDI imbalances (i.e., HDIs might be strongly preferred)
Upstream Trust Upstream Training Trust
P.O. Box 5111
web: www.upstreamtrainingtrust.com
tel: 021 938 3500/3572
fax: 021 938 3520
e-mail: utt@upstreamtrainingtrust.com
Student bursaries & funding of research projects in academic fields relating to the upstream oil industry
No service obligations
Only SA citizens
HDIs preferred
Xstrata Alloys Susan Scheepers
Group HRD Manager
Xstrata SA (PTY) LTD -Alloys
tel: (014) 592 6593
Offiice hours: Mo-Fr  7h30-16h30
e:mail: bursary@xstrata.co.za
Geared mainly to engineers, but geologists are indeed eligible
Other relevant South African organisations
Career Wise (Pty) Ltd Career Wise (Pty) Ltd
web: www.careerwise.co.za
tel: (011) 484-7505
fax: 086 602 8983
Corporate recruitment & bursary services, trust fund administration
Geostaff web: www.geostaff.co.za
tel: +27 (0) 11 880-0243
fax: +27 (0) 11 880-0486
e-mail: geostaff@iafrica.com
Employment service for geoscientists
RU Career Centre lower floor, Eden Grove
tel: 046 603-8504
RU Student Bureau main floor, Eden Grove
tel: 046 603-8276

HDI = Historically Disadvantaged Individual