University of Stellenbosch Bursaries based on academic merit

University of Stellenbosch Bursaries based on academic merit

Postgraduate students who attained a weighted average final year mark of 75% or more for preceding degree are eligible to apply. Minimum prescribed number of credits apply. Marks are calculated according to specified regulations. A progress mark in the present year of study will not be taken into account due to the fact that students’ academic performance must be evaluated on a comparative basis. Some study programmes do not offer progress marks; consequently the weighted average (of the final year’s marks of the previous qualification) is the criterion for the allocation of a Postgraduate Merit Bursary as well as for the allocation of most other bursaries and scholarships administered at this University.

The University acts as an agent for the National Research Foundation (NRF)’s freestanding scholarships and its grant holder-linked bursaries. Postgraduate students can apply for a limited number of smaller private bursaries. Information on these can be found under “Funding available – administered by SU”.
These bursaries are limited to certain fields of study and offer small amounts to a few selected students only. When allocation of these private bursaries is done, preference is given to the highest level of study (degree programme) and the highest marks, unless stated otherwise. Some departments, especially those in the fields of science and technology, offer financial assistance from departmental funds to selected students. It is important for prospective postgraduate students to contact the department in which they intend studying, not only to seek financial assistance but, more importantly, to discuss the nature of the postgraduate programme and to lay the basis for a good working relationship. No bursary will be granted to a student without the department’s recommendation.