Looking for spaces at PSET institutions?

Looking for spaces at PSET institutions?

The Clearing House service aims to match applicants’ exam results and study preferences with places that need to be filled, but we cannot guarantee that you will be offered a place. We shall take your Grade 12 results directly from the Department of Basic Education. If you want to study at a specific institution only, you should not apply through CACH but contact that institution directly. If you have already applied to a University and have not heard from them, please contact them to find out whether they can offer you a place.
It is probable that most of the places available at Universities through CACH will require good performance in subjects such as Maths, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. To increase the range of opportunities, the service has been extended to include registered private colleges and opportunities for learnerships through SETA’s, as well as Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges, and you are also advised to investigate other options.
An offer of a place does not automatically guarantee funding and you should start looking for funding as early as possible.

 Contact the toll free call centre on 0800 356 635, or send an SMS with your name, ID and contact number to 49200 and they will be called back.
You can also access the system via the website http://cach.dhet.gov.za/ or send an email to CACH@dhet.gov.za


Student loans are also offered by ABSA, FNB, Nedbank and Standard Bank.
CACH and the institutions will use the contact details you provide – please ensure that you check for emails and sms messages frequently.
For career advice, call 086 999 0123. This is a free service. Standard call rates apply.
For details of publicly funded Unversities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges in your province, click here.
Click on the links below for lists of: