University of Zululand Internal Funding

University of Zululand Internal Funding

Senior Student Merit Bursaries
University of Zululand budgets annually to reward students who performed exceptionally in the previous academic year or year last registered. A budget in the form of Merit Bursaries was established to reward exceptional academic performance, across all Faculties.
The guidelines for these bursaries require the following:

  • Ø Student must be registered for undergraduate degree for full number of modules;
  • Student must pass 50 percent of their registered modules with distinction in the previous year or year last registered;
  • Student must pass the remaining 50 percent of the modules by any combination of first class passes and ordinary passes, in the previous year or year last registered with NO failed modules.

Bursary awarded at Full Academic cost. The bursary is for one year and the student is assessed each year.
Primary requirement is academic performance and neediness is of secondary importance.
Matric Merit Bursaries
University of Zululand makes bursaries available for this category of students who join the institution for the first time. The selection criteria is as follows:

  • Students must have applied and be admitted at the University of Zululand; and
  • Students are selected on the basis that they passed their matric subjects with a minimum pass level of 6.

These bursaries are awarded at full cost and for the first year only, thereafter other Bursaries may be available for students to apply.