Vaal University of Technology Research Bursaries

Vaal University of Technology Research Bursaries

The Higher Degree Office offers specialised support for higher degree research candidates. In addition to looking after both South African domestic and international applications and admissions, the Office administers all higher degree research scholarships, including those schemes supported directly by the University.
There are usually many other internally and externally funded bursaries offered across the year that will be listed on this page.
VUT Postgraduate Award
Higher degree research candidates are an integral part of our research community and VUT provides an awards programme to support students with a proven capacity for research. In order to stimulate and encourage further research the Vaal University of Technology, we offer the following grant to assist you with your studies.

M Degree Package:

The package is divided as follows:

  • R20 000 Research Award + Student fees (R10050.00)
  • A computer centre is available to access the internet and email will be provided.
  • If the student achieves 75% or more for a B degree he/she will be eligible for the Vice-Chancellor’s Award

D Degree Package:

The package is divided as follows:

  • R30 000 Research Award + Student fees (R10050.00)
  • A computer centre is available to access the internet and email will be provided.
The above grant will be payable as soon as your research proposal is approved at our Higher Degree Committee meeting, and all our prerequisites has been met.
Kindly complete the attached application form and attached certified copies of the necessary documents and forward to our office. We will inform you as soon as possible if your application was successful.

  • Higher Degree Award Application
  • Higher Degree Award Policy

NRF Grant Award
The National Research Foundation (NRF) makes funds available to support Free-standing Masters and Doctoral candidates for the academic year, through a competitive selection process. The funding instrument makes funds available to support students pursuing part-time as well as full-time Masters or Doctoral Studies.
NRF aims to promote and support research through funding, human resource development and the provision of the research facilities in order to facilitate the creation of knowledge, innovation and development.
The NRF primarily supports research-intensive institutions conducting basic or applied research of a pre-competitive nature for the benefit of the long-term knowledge base. The institutions must also be committed to human resource capacity development, including equity and redress. The institutions supported by the NRF through its funding instruments and rating programmes.
NB International students
Persons who hold a joint appointment at a South African (SA) and a foreign institution, and are actively involved in research capacity building in SA, are eligible for a Research and Innovation Support and Advancement (RISA) research grant, provided that they are employed by the South Africa institution in a full-time capacity for a period of at least six months per annum and spend at least six months per annum in South Africa.