Vaal University of Technology Private Company Sponsored Students

Vaal University of Technology Private Company Sponsored Students

Vaal University of Technology will provide the necessary assistance to sponsored students, as stipulated by legitimate corporate donor/s. Students must submit an authentic, original award letter to the Financial Aid Office for registration purposes. This award letter must clearly indicate the type of assistance the sponsor is  committing for allocation to the student; and the amount.
The Financial Aid Office provides the following assistance:

  • Meal allowance
  • Book allowance
  • Payment of off-campus residence
  • Study fees account and academic record are provided to the sponsor.

Students are urged to consult the university notice boards for information about available bursaries.
NB: The Vaal University of Technology is not responsible in funding or securing sponsorship(s) for students. It also remains the responsibility of the student to ensure that their accounts are fully settled, on time, by their sponsors.
All students are invited to contact the Financial Aid Office at any time for assistance or guidance regarding funding their studies at VUT.