ACT | Development Grants
The programme makes provision for support of activities that increase job opportunities for and develop sustainability of South African arts and culture organisations, associations, cooperatives, networks, individual artists and practitioners with various grants:
Once-off Grants
Eligible for once-off grants of up to R60,000 are arts and culture organisations, associations, cooperatives, networks, individual artists and practitioners, for range of activities that support their professional advancement, on an on-going basis.
Arts and culture organisations, projects (cooperatives and collaborations) and individual artists as well as arts administrators and managers working in any one or a combination of the following disciplines are eligible to apply for once-off grants of up to R60,000:

  • Literature
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Visual Art
  • Theatre
  • Arts Education
  • Arts Administration
  • New Media
  • Multi-disciplinary (a combination of one or more of the above)

The following WILL be considered for once-off grants

  • Development of new, unique and cutting-edge professional South African work
  • Presentation, publication, exhibition or performance of new South African work
  • Research that contributes to the creative sector’s body of knowledge
  • Development and strengthening of administration and management
  • Market development and penetration
  • Arts education for the youth towards professional development

The following will NOT be considered for once-off grants

  • Projects with overall budgets exceeding R600,000
  • Expenses related to starting a business or capital costs, such as the purchase of office equipment, hardware, software etc.
  • International and/or continental travel
  • Projects which do not have arts or culture as a core element
  • Projects that have social issues as a core element
  • Building projects (infrastructure)
  • Capital or operating costs
  • Large production budgets for an existing film project
  • Organisations/projects/individuals not based in or operating in South Africa
  • Activities that have already taken place or that commence before the outcome of the application is available

Application deadline
Closing date for applications: 24 February 2024
Outcome available: 07 April 2024
The above-mentioned funding cycle is the final round of the Professional Development Programme as it currently exists. The ACT Board of Trustees is in the process of finalising the Trust’s next five-year strategy, which includes the restructuring of this programme. Details will be released as soon as possible.
A three-tiered approached is adopted for the allocation of once-off grants:
If you are unable to submit an application online, please contact the ACT office at 011 712 8403.

  1. New organisations and emerging artists and practitioners are eligible to apply for grants to a maximum of R10,000. Click here to apply.
  2. Mid-level professional artists and practitioners who have been working in the arts and culture field for two-to-five years and organisations in existence for no longer than five and no less than two years are eligible to apply for grants to a maximum of R30,000. Click here to apply.
  3. Professional artists and practitioners who have been working in the arts and culture field for longer than five years and organisations in existence for longer than five years are eligible to apply for grants up to a maximum of R60,000. Click here to apply.

For full details please visit