AFDA Postgraduate Honours Bursary 2024/2025

AFDA Postgraduate Honours Bursary 2024/2025

The AFDA Postgraduate Honours Development Bursary is intended to support these students by paying for the tuition fees of the course for one full year of study. In return students are required to work back the bursary for one year on completion of their studies.

How to apply

Applications are to download and complete online forms found under the title “Postgraduate Bachelor of Arts” at: \\
The following documents must assist online application when submitting:
– South African Idetification document (certified copy)
– Latest academic results/ certificates of tertiary qualifications
– Curriculum Vitae (maximum of 2 pages)
– Motivational Letter (maximum of 1 page) about why you deserve the bursary award
– Letter referring briefly to applicant financial status and need for financial support with tertiary students (this can be included in your motivational letter or can be separate)
All applicant forms and supporting documents are to be submitted via email or hand delivered to an AFDA Student Affairs office.
*Please note various contact details may be found at the bottom of the “apply” page.

Service contract

Once completed AFDA Postgraduate Honours Development students are to work one year of studies for AFDA.

Qualifying criteria

The minimum entry criteria for bursary qualification is as follows:
– South African citizen
– Wish to study towards a Postgraduate BA Honours qualification in Motion Picture
– Will study part-time or full-time
– Current third year AFDA student/ previous AFDA BA graduates/ outside RPL (Recognised Prior Learning) students
– Excellent academic results
– Proven financial need
– BBBEE status

 +27 (0) 21 448 7600 
Closing Date : September 29th 2024