Apply for Free for a Nutrition Diploma That will Help You and Friends Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Apply for Free for a Nutrition Diploma That will Help You and Friends Live a Healthy Lifestyle

This course will cover the following topics:

1.Health is Your wealth

How is your nutrition right now? Are you eating enough? Are you over-eating? This lesson provides you with the tools to calculate your requirements and assess your own lifestyle. You will learn how to take your baseline measurements determine where, if any improvements are required.
2.Magical Macro’s
So now you know what nutrition is, what exactly does it encompass? What are the essential nutrients? In this lesson complex, scientific information will be translated in easy to understand terms. We will also be looking at food composition – macro and micro nutrients.
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3.Mighty Micro’s
What about Vitamins and Minerals? We need those little guys too. Learn the importance of the micros and where to get them. What happens if you do not include micronutrients in your diet daily? Do you drink water? Find out why we need water in the body and the effects of dehydration on the body.
4.Diets of the World
Around the world, there are many Healthy Eating Pyramids or Guidelines. Do you know the guidelines in your country? In this lesson, you will review some of the global guidelines. Do they include enough vegetables? Do they eliminate food groups? Which do you think is the easiest to follow?
Enroll now at Shaw Academy South Africans Only!
5.Helping Yourself
In lesson 5, you will gain experience in manipulating nutrition to suit your individual needs. Do you want to lose weight? Are you very active? Are you hindering your progress by eating fast food? Learn how to calculate your macronutrients to help achieve your goals.
6.Energise Your life
Do you suffer from a 3pm slump? Do you rely on sugar or caffeine to pull you through the day? Follow our top tips to confidently continue your lifestyle change and create long term results. This lesson is not to be missed.
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7.Body & Mind
Do you have a stressful home or work life? Do you get enough sleep? Have you experienced feelings of anxiety or depression? Our mind, body and nutrition are all connected. This lesson will give simple but effective diet changes to suit your lifestyle and improve wellness.
8.Specialised Diets
Are you a vegetarian or vegan? Do you have Coeliac disease or digestive issues? Do you have an intolerance or allergy? Do you have special food requirements that can hinder your food choices? Develop the skills to read labels, avoid food contamination and ensure you are still achieving optimal nutrition through the right foods.
How to Register
Enroll now at Shaw Academy South Africans Only!