Applying Health Bursaries At KZN

Applying Health Bursaries At KZN

Health bursaries are bursary opportunities that are schemed by KZN dept of health. Expecting to apply for a bursary at KZN, there some information qualified bursars should know. First’s thing first before sending your application, you need to get health bursary application form which is accessible in the closest Government Hospital to where your family reside, but still under KZN territory. Keep in mind, you can’t simply take the application form from Government Hospital that is situated nears the university where you are enrolled, if its location is not your hometown.
Either you or your family needs to sign for the health bursaries to complete it. At one time you finish with the hustle and bustle of application form, you are obliged to send it back to the Government Hospital where you get the application form. To apply for KZN health bursary, then you should be one with degree or diploma with rare skills which are required by KZN dept of health. That said, generally, suitable bursars should have as follow, you are a KZN resident (or from KZN), you hold sound academic record, you are not aimed or awarded with another bursary, you have not another diploma/degree, and you display proof of registration from your higher institution.
Click Here to KZN Health Bursaries
The amount financial support that is given through KZN health bursaries will depend upon the income of your family, (1) family whose income between R0 and R120000 then, the bursary will cover accommodation, tuition fees, books and meals, (2) family with R121000 to 150000, the bursary include accommodation, tuition fees, and meals, (3) those whose family income between R151000 to R200000, the bursary covers only books, accommodations, and tuition fees, (4) family with R210000 to 250000 income, it covers only accommodation and tuition fees, and (5) family that obtains R251000 to R300000, the bursary will cover tuition only. The deadline of the bursary is August 31st2025 and any lateness will lead to unsuccessful application.