Belgium Campus ICT Learnership Programme Details

Belgium Campus ICT Learnership Programme Details

Belgium Campus ICT Learnership is a programme which will be held on 2025 by Belgium campus. This programme will provide certain courses, such as .NET, bussiness intelligence, project management, JAva, DBMS and other courses which related to financial IT and development industries application, for those who are interested in ICT skills. This kind of program would be held for 24 months or two years and it will be divided into two parts. The first 12 months, you will be given theoritical learning and the next 12 months you will learn to work in the workplace; moreover, you are going to be paid as well when you work. If you manage to complete the programme, you will get Diploma or IT degrees for the applicants.
In following the programme of Belgium Campus ICT Learnership, there are several requirements which need to be fulfilled so that you can be fully sponsored within this academic programme. This programme is limited to South African citizens only. The applicants cannot have criminal records.The applicants should not mind to follow screening assessments and also should be in a join activity for the assesments activities at the company. This programme is for South African citizens who enrolled in University or who have graudate butyou don’t get any job for working. If you want to join the programme, you cannot be involved with any other studying period for two years, counted from the beginning of 2025 to the end of 2025 since you will be studying in this programme. Thus you will be focused on how you can get the program done. Furthermore, applicants with disabilities are very welcome in this programme. Closing date 18 December 2025.
Above all, if you are keen to join Belgium Campus ICT Leanership programme, there are several requirements which need to be paid attention to. Applying to this programme is also very easy as you only need to send your CV and academic transcripts through email to the campus’ e-mail. This programme provides many opportunities for those who seek for experience, knowledge and also job. Please e-mail your CV (no more than 3 pages) with matric certificate and certified copies of tertiary education studies together with an academic record to