Bloemfontein- Introduction to Coaching in the Arts

Bloemfontein- Introduction to Coaching in the Arts

As part of the Pan-African Creative Exchange (PACE) Teaser in Bloemfontein Gwendolyn Tietze will be hosting a coaching workshop on Saturday 15 July as an introduction to coaching concepts and techniques for artists and producers across art forms, at any stage of their careers.

An introduction to coaching in the arts, Part of the Pan-African Creative Exhange (PACE) Teaser
This event is Free (limited spaces) – all welcome
Location: Albert Wessels Ouditorium (UFS)
University Of The, 9301 Bloemfontein, Free State
Date: Saturday, July 15 at 12 PM – 2 PM
Contact for more info and RSVP on Facebook
Coaching can offer a safe and confidential space to explore goals, dreams and ideas, and to find one’s own ways of making them happen. It offers the gift of a space in which to think freely, deeply and independently.
As an accredited Relational Dynamics coach, Gwendolyn works with independent artists, who find themselves juggling artistic ambitions, navigating diverse languages and cultures, finding funding, working in complex partnerships, or, simply, making a living.
Coaching approaches are also influential in the leadership of organisations and teams. The UK arts and culture sector is increasingly wishing to develop a coaching culture, and Relational Dynamics 1st is contributing to this through its association with the Clore Leadership Programme.
Gwendolyn will argue for the importance of increasing the range and accessibility of coaching for artists, producers and creatives.
In discussion she hopes to offer some suggestions of how we might share a coaching approach as a means of global change, contributing to greater sustainability and resourcefulness for artists and the creative sector.
To give some practical insights, she will introduce the concepts of active listening, effective enquiry, and the GROW coaching model.
Participants will also have the chance to experience being coached and being a coach themselves during the workshop.