Bursaries and Schools Programme improving lives

Bursaries and Schools Programme improving lives


The Department of Public Works’ Schools Programme will ensure that learners have job security once they have completed their studies.

The beneficiaries are obligated by the contract to work for the Department of Public Works. This means they will not struggle to find employment after graduating.
The R130 000 bursary for each learner covers tuition, accommodation, meals, textbooks, academic resources and a monthly allowance.
Public Works Minister Thulas Nxesi said the Schools Programme is part of the Seven-Year Plan to rebuild the department.
The department adopted schools throughout the country from 2013. The selection of the schools is done in collaboration with the provincial education departments.These group of learners have been awarded bursaries that will give them access to higher education and ensure a bright future for them.
These group of learners have been awarded bursaries that will give them access to higher education and ensure a bright future for them.
These are well-performing schools with a learner achievement of 65 percent and above in Maths and Science; schools with a potential to expand the provision of high quality maths and science teaching and learning; schools from disadvantaged communities and schools that display a commitment to hard work and success.
“We were looking for schools in disadvantaged communities that are clearly well-managed and where learners are performing well.
“In an attempt to address built environment skills shortages, Public Works adopted the Council for the Built Environment’s Skills Pipeline Strategy. The strategy spells out three interlinked intervention areas aimed at ensuring a seamless flow of professionals into the department.
“These are the Push Strategy, which is aimed at providing enough competent and skilled professionals in the built environment through supported and funded secondary and tertiary education programmes; the Intermediate Strategy, aimed at training built environment professionals through supported candidacy and mentorship programmes to the level of professional registration, and the Pull Strategy aiming at making the built environment an attractive profession through retention and continuous professional development,” the Minister said.