Bursary Application Forms

Bursary Application Forms

How you fill out your bursary application forms can make or break your chances of receiving funding. Here are a few tips and ideas to help you along your way to ensuring a successful bursary application.
Where to find bursary application forms
Firstly, there are a few different ways you can find your bursary application forms. Most forms can be viewed and downloaded on the internet by using either a laptop, desktop computer, tablet or mobile phone with internet connection. Through The Skills Portal , under each bursary listing there is a link to lead you to the organisations website where you can download and print the application forms. Most organisations allow application forms to be completed and submitted online. However, there are a few which require the forms to be printed, completed and posted or hand delivered to them, so bare this in mind when considering the closing date for applications.
Preparing and completing application forms successfully
It’s important to leave as much time as possible to plan your bursary application. Often life gets in the way and bursary application forms are pushed to the bottom of your to do list. Ensure you read through the entire bursary application thoroughly to ensure you fit all the legibility requirements. Research the background of each bursary and the organisation presenting it. This will help you in completing the bursary application forms more efficiently. Try to leave yourself regular reminders before the application deadline. Remember the dead line is important! Make an extra copy of the bursary application form. Prepare an initial rough draft or practice application. Ensure you fill out the entire application and don’t leave out any information or simply write “not applicable” where appropriate.
Double checking for errors
And lastly, it’s a good idea to double check and read through everything twice before you send off your application. Often getting someone else to read over it for you will help to pick up mistakes you might have missed.