Call for Applications: NRF Freestanding, Innovation and Scarce Skills Masters and Doctoral Scholarships Call for 2024

Call for Applications: NRF Freestanding, Innovation and Scarce Skills Masters and Doctoral Scholarships Call for 2024

To all our prospective Masters and Doctoral students,
The Directorate of Research & Innovation is pleased to announce that the NRF Freestanding, Innovation and Scarce Skills Development Fund Masters and Doctoral Scholarships Call for 2024 is now open!!!
Prospective Masters and Doctoral students are advised to prepare for 2024 academic year. Please apply!
Honours students are encouraged to apply!
Please note: Applicants must apply on the NRF Online submission system at: and follow the application process set out in the Application and Funding Guide. All applicants must consult with their proposed supervisor(s) in the process of submitting applications to ensure that supervisor(s) are in agreement with the scientific aspects contained in the application and, the proposed work plan for completion of the degree. The Directorate of Research & Innovation will be available to assist applicants should they have any problem with the NRF online submission system.
Download FISS Masters Doctoral Scholarships – Application and Funding Guide 2024_22 May 2024_Final
Download Implementation Framework_FISS Masters and Doctoral_ 22 May 2024_FINAL
The internal deadline for submitting applications online is strictly 13 July 2024.