What can I do with my matric results?

What can I do with my matric results?

The matric results can mean different things for different students. There are four levels of passing grades that qualify students for various post-school opportunities.
Whether you have achieved a bachelor’s pass, diploma, higher certificate or simply a National Senior Certificate pass there are certain options that will accompany your results.
For example students who have earned a bachelor’s or diploma pass will be able to study at either a University or a University of Technology or a TVET College.
It is important to note that only those with a bachelor’s pass can apply for degree courses at the relevant institutions.
Students with a diploma pass can however enter diploma or certificate courses at an institution of higher learning if they are accepted.
Students who have achieved a higher certificate pass can apply for certificate programmes at TVET Colleges.
While those who have obtained a National Senior Certificate pass will not be eligible to study further at traditional higher learning institutions.
Instead students who fall into the last category should consider seeking employment. Clerical positions are a good starting point for students without qualifications or work experience.
If you are still at school work hard so that you can obtain the passing grade that will give you the most options once you matriculate.
Avoid disappointment by finding out what you need to enter the study programme of your choice and pursue the career that interests you.